Meet The Team

Mr. Jacob Weiss

As the President of Malera Technologies Ltd., Mr. Jacob Wiess brings an impressive background and unparalleled expertise to the table. With over 35 years of experience as a leading Lawyer and Legal Counsel for multiple high-tech international companies, Mr. Weiss has honed their skills in complex project planning and execution. Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Weiss has been instrumental in navigating the intricate legal landscape of the high-tech industry. His deep understanding of international regulations and their ability to anticipate and mitigate potential challenges have proven invaluable in driving successful project outcomes. With Mr. Weiss at the helm, Malera Technologies Ltd. benefits from his vast experience, unwavering dedication, and strategic thinking. His leadership and expertise position the company as a trusted partner in the industry, capable of tackling the most complex and demanding projects.​

Mr. Yaacov Shushan


Mr. Yaacov Shushan acting as Malera Technologies Ltd. Chairman brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our company, with over 30 years of remarkable accomplishments as a CEO and businessman in the high-tech and infrastructure industries. Having successfully led multiple international companies, he possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in driving business growth and delivering exceptional results. With a focus on complex project planning and execution, Mr. Shushan has consistently demonstrated his ability to navigate challenging landscapes and deliver successful outcomes. His extensive experience in the industry has honed his strategic vision, enabling him to identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and create innovative solutions that exceed expectations. In addition to his achievements in project management, Mr. Shushan is well-versed in the venture capital segment. His keen insights and astute decision-making have facilitated the growth of numerous companies, fostering innovation and driving industry advancements.​

Mr. Israel Green


Mr. Israel Green brings over 20 years of invaluable experience in the high-tech industry, making him a seasoned leader and a prominent figure in the field. With a successful track record as a CEO and businessman of multiple leading high-tech companies, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive growth, innovation, and operational excellence. Having managed complex infrastructure projects on an international scale, Mr. Green possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in executing large-scale ventures. Mr. Green has a remarkable ability to navigate diverse cultural and regulatory landscapes, allowing him to successfully operate and manage companies worldwide. With his vast experience, strategic insights, and unwavering commitment to success, our CEO continues to drive our company forward, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the industry and exceed the expectations of our clients worldwide.